Say goodbye to exhaustion with Clea Spark. Spark brings together some of Mother Nature’s most powerful ingredients to give you the perfect natural diet soda or coffee replacement. Spark increases energy by boosting blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves cognitive function.
Quantity: 30 drink mix packets
Yuzu Citrus flavor: Tart and delightful with a base of effervescent citrus, Spark's flavor perfectly embodies the boost it provides.

Are the “wings” from your last energy drink, soda, or coffee making you a little too jittery? Then Clea Spark is the answer. While Spark does contain traditional stimulants like caffeine, Spark uses other, naturally-occuring ingredients to increase blood flow, specifically blood flow to the brain; improving cognition function and supercharging your energy. This combined with the L-Theanine in Spark give you a massive energy boost without the jitters.